Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a little peace

Somewhere between the Cedars and the Oak trees...
Somewhere between nowhere and goodbye...

but I guess that's just wishful thinking.

Monday, October 18, 2010

bust out...

one day I will...

Monday, October 4, 2010


on a recent bicycle ride with a friend, in conversation he said...

"...time cures all."

it seemed to pause the words between us for a little while, as I continued to ponder about this comment.
we rode on, and the comment soon slipped out the back of my mind and onto the path behind me...

...later that night, I happened to be watching a documentary about aged care, and in-particular the care of those who suffered dementia.
as I watched the program, a comment from earlier in the day popped back into my mind, "time cures all."
how wrong this comment is.
time may have to power to cure some things, to make things grow, or die, to make things come closer together, or to push these things apart, yet it doesn't possess the power to cure all.

how I wish that old age might show me a different side of the world, not a sad side though.
how I wish that as those days pass me by, that they don't 'cure' me, but that they don't destroy me either...

Friday, May 21, 2010


"err, I don't do this often, but can I just point out that you're amazingly beautiful?"
"ha, umm, thanks?"
"sorry to bother you. bye."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A mans own conscious is the key to his life pursuits...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a picnic...

colouring flowers
buttering sandwiches
blooming blossoms
laying blanket
warming breeze
stealing mum's picnic basket
cueing bird songs
fluffing clouds
painting sky
growing grass
applying sunscreen
floating kites
straightening hats
picking blackberries
sprinkling dew

the dreams...

we are the music makers,
we are the dreamers of dreams....

Friday, April 23, 2010

to nothing

when you see someone you truly love, admire and respect reduced to a wheelchair by a silent disease, it hits hard. Especially when the person you knew was so high on life. They didn't want to retire at 60 or even 64 for that matter, they didn't want to stay at home either, they had made plans to keep living to the very full. But no more. The disease is not because time and bodily misuse has caught up with him, but because the debilitating infection has sought him out and scars his life. There is no cure, no surgery can make any difference.

It's hard to describe. But, I guess it's like losing a long loved dog to a slow cancer or to old age. The dog that you played with every day, the dog that would go nuts whenever you put your runners on and went for the leash. That dog was happy, but can only now manage to lay in front of the fireplace, exhausted. Only thing is, we're dealing with someone even more special.

hours on end...

If there was a name/job for sitting in an airport, listening to gazey dazey acousticy musique, I would do it.
I could sit for hours on end, days on end, simply watching it all go by. I'd buy a nice set of headphones, something that blocks it all out, and I'd listen to Angus & Julia Stone, and DC4C, and Jose Gonzalez, and Lior, and Norah Jones, and Jamie Cullum, and Dave Brubeck, and Dido, and C.W. Stoneking, and Air, and John Mayer, and Morcheeba, and My Friend the Chocolate Cake, and Tommy Emmanuel, and Something for Kate, and..... ok so you get the point, I'd buy a lot of good books, crime, mystery, action, and of course I'd have to buy a big flask to put of the good stuff (coffee for those uneducated few) and yeah that'd be sweet.
I need to make a plane gazing playlist...

ps. if you haven't heard of these artists, ask me for a demo disc :) They rock my socks, jocks, and plane gazing eyes, not to mention my unsatisfiable hunger for music.

you're just blind

your smile makes me smile,
your giggle makes me grin,
but you're just too blind to notice.
Wrapped in pages from a teen magazine,
I will never be who I want to be,
Never to develop a personal style,
Forever to be hidden behind a paper machè smile,
I could wipe myself off the face of the earth,
And no-one would even know.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

easy now!?

why can't things be easy! Why can't acquiring some new skill or completing a task be easy! Instead of having to slave away and practice practice practice, while you watch all the others take away the crowd with all their natural talent. Why can't I be born with some of this so called 'natural talent' in something! Something that'll get me recognised! Something that'll wow them all, I long for something special within me. But I got nothin'.
Beethoven got it: he composed hundreds of works even though he was completely deaf!?
Tommy Emmanuel, from country Australia first picked up a guitar at 4 years old, and hasn't stopped playing since!
Van Gogh one day picks up a brush and can produce million dollar works.
There's those in this world who just take whatever they can get. They have money, talent, friends and all those great things, it all gets given to them from...somewhere. Then there's those in life who bust their arse trying to make it. They're short on moolah, they're not fantastic in anything in particular and they stick to a close nit group who they feel comfortable with.
Well I dunno but I'm just peeved.

They say that practice makes perfect, well guess what, it doesn't. It only makes one hell of a lot of difference.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


an imagination is a powerful tool,
it can tint memories of the past,
shade perceptions of the present,
or paint a future so vivid it can entice...or terrify,
all depending on how we conduct ourselves today.

I found this in a Garfield clipping from 1989, which seemed rather odd to me. Why find a relatively thoughtful piece in the middle of a comedy cartoon? Oh well. The context of this little memoir was loneliness, and I think Jim Davis (cartoonist) was having a lonely week...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i'll be back

I'll be back.

You just look past me at the moment don't you. Walk by as though I'm merely a leaf on the ground. Not worthy of your recognition.Well Mr I got news for you, I'll be back. Back better than ever.
Better than you'll ever be. You think you're so high and mighty now,
with all your bitches and 'cool friends' hanging around, so you never stop to take a look at yourself. When it seems someone's better than you, it's just because they think that they are. Well guess what, they are better than you. A lot better. To them you're only the dregs of society but you really don't realise it do you.

You fight with your dad every night, you steal from your mothers purse. Lucky that the bottle of Beam saves you from all these terrible memories. I would help, trust me I would do my very best. In fact, I've tried many times, but you just won't let me will you? I'm just not good enough am I?

So maybe in the future when you'll probably be out on the street, I'll pass you by with a purposful step. I could just ignore you and your plea for a hand, or I could try and give you that help I've always offered. You stepped over me, but I will not. I will stop in front of you, hand outstrectched.

Okay guys so sometimes things just build up inside of us and you just
can't take it any more, and there's just no-one who's gonna listen. People being ignorant, inconsiderate, pompous and down right stupid. Yet they still expect a smile, and for you to just worship how awesome they are. Ha! How ridiculous. So yeah that's
me at the moment.

Venting over....

Love, blessings, peace,

Friday, February 19, 2010

social issues...

Ever felt that your just not accepted in a certain place or with a certain group of people?
Ever felt that no matter what you do to fit in, it just doesn't work, it just doesn't feel right?
You do you best to fit in. You do you best to be 'one of them'. But it's never right.
They're great people, don't get me wrong, but it's just like I'm not quite the same...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sometimes there are times when you just get so fricken frustrated that
you can't take it.
Example: a friend thinks that you've done something in particular with
someone, and they judge you for it. From their view all the evidence
is stacked against you, and no matter what you say to them, no matter
how much you try to plead your case, the truth, they just won't budge
from there view. And when things like this happen, all I can think is
either "if only you knew the truth" or "are you so stupid and arrogant
that you don't believe me?"
This, I feel, drives the two people apart. And causes you to wonder
whether they were really any good of a friend in the first place.
But in the end, these events end up in the past and forgotten, so why
should I be contemplating it now.
Anyway blog/psychologist, time for music, hw and venting.
