Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sometimes there are times when you just get so fricken frustrated that
you can't take it.
Example: a friend thinks that you've done something in particular with
someone, and they judge you for it. From their view all the evidence
is stacked against you, and no matter what you say to them, no matter
how much you try to plead your case, the truth, they just won't budge
from there view. And when things like this happen, all I can think is
either "if only you knew the truth" or "are you so stupid and arrogant
that you don't believe me?"
This, I feel, drives the two people apart. And causes you to wonder
whether they were really any good of a friend in the first place.
But in the end, these events end up in the past and forgotten, so why
should I be contemplating it now.
Anyway blog/psychologist, time for music, hw and venting.


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