Wednesday, March 17, 2010


an imagination is a powerful tool,
it can tint memories of the past,
shade perceptions of the present,
or paint a future so vivid it can entice...or terrify,
all depending on how we conduct ourselves today.

I found this in a Garfield clipping from 1989, which seemed rather odd to me. Why find a relatively thoughtful piece in the middle of a comedy cartoon? Oh well. The context of this little memoir was loneliness, and I think Jim Davis (cartoonist) was having a lonely week...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i'll be back

I'll be back.

You just look past me at the moment don't you. Walk by as though I'm merely a leaf on the ground. Not worthy of your recognition.Well Mr I got news for you, I'll be back. Back better than ever.
Better than you'll ever be. You think you're so high and mighty now,
with all your bitches and 'cool friends' hanging around, so you never stop to take a look at yourself. When it seems someone's better than you, it's just because they think that they are. Well guess what, they are better than you. A lot better. To them you're only the dregs of society but you really don't realise it do you.

You fight with your dad every night, you steal from your mothers purse. Lucky that the bottle of Beam saves you from all these terrible memories. I would help, trust me I would do my very best. In fact, I've tried many times, but you just won't let me will you? I'm just not good enough am I?

So maybe in the future when you'll probably be out on the street, I'll pass you by with a purposful step. I could just ignore you and your plea for a hand, or I could try and give you that help I've always offered. You stepped over me, but I will not. I will stop in front of you, hand outstrectched.

Okay guys so sometimes things just build up inside of us and you just
can't take it any more, and there's just no-one who's gonna listen. People being ignorant, inconsiderate, pompous and down right stupid. Yet they still expect a smile, and for you to just worship how awesome they are. Ha! How ridiculous. So yeah that's
me at the moment.

Venting over....

Love, blessings, peace,