Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thought. Word. Deed...and maybe some dreaming on the side.

A person's life is almost entirely made up of thoughts, words and deeds. All the time we are doing something! Whether it be thoughts, words or deeds, it's always something. A person is entirely consumed by these things, and even though you may be laying in your bed simply listening to your breathing, or even if you're sleeping, you have to be thinking about something, otherwise you'd die. We are always active and switched on. Just wish that sometimes there was an off or standby switch.

I recently watched a television show about dreams. And a person said, "when someone shares a dream with you, they're saying "this is something about me that cannot be faked, it's who I am"" or at least it was something along those lines. And it got me thinking, and I realised they are right. There is no way a person make their own actual dream (unless of course they were being untruthful, which is just silly). It just happens from deep in their brain or somewhere or rather . So when you have a dream, or someone shares one with you, take it as real, and a real part of you [them].
Love, blessings, peace,

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