Tuesday, December 8, 2009

shuff it up...

1. Put your music player on shuffle mode.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer even if it doesn't make sense.
4. Give your comment on the answer, how they actually relate.
5. Tag 5 humans.

How are you feeling today? Empty Space - Lifehouse (yeap)

Will you get far in life? Up From Down Under - Tommy Emmanuel

What is your best friends theme song? Distant Sun - Brooke Fraser (wrong)

What's your highschool like? Moonlight Becomes You - Chet Baker

How can you get ahead in life? A Day Late - Anberlin

What's the best thing about your best friends? Time to Pretend - MGMT

Describe your parents. The Rest Is Up To You - Relient K

How's your life going? As Your Voice Fades - Emery

First song played on my birthday. A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay (wrong?)

Will you have a happy life? Enchantment - Corinne Bailey Rae

What do your friends think of you? Two Shoes - Cat Empire (I thought as much -.-)

Do people secretly lust after you? Let it Ring - Idea of North

How can you make yourself happy? Lady Madonna - The Beatles (she makes me happy)

What should you do with your life? Jack the Bear - Duke Ellington

Will you ever have child? In My Pocket - Cat Empire (that could get awkward)

What song will you dance like a freak to? The Rescue - Search the City (doubt it)

What does your mum think of you? World Away - Emery ( :( )

What is your deep dark secret? High & Dry - Jamie Cullum

What's your mortal enemy theme song? I'm Yours - Jason Mraz (ahhh no, don't have mortal enemies anyway)

What is your personality like? Class A - Pete Murray (yeah that's it ;) )

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