Saturday, November 21, 2009

some might say...

Some might say that your life is simply an illusion and dream,
some might say that we're in a never ending cycle of pointless 'reincarnation',
some might even say the we're mere puppets in this world, being controlled by some 'higher force',
others may say the life's just too short to be taken seriously.

But me, well I say that I'm here for a purpose, a plan that has been set out before I was even physically thought of. All I can do is hope that this plan is good, and that this plan is in my family and my best interest, because that'd be nice wouldn't it.

But I find the annoying thing is that I can never know what this plan is, until I'm lying on my deathbed, contemplating and reviewing my life.
But who says I'll have time to lye on a deathbed and contemplate my life. Perhaps in my plan I'll die a sudden and tragic death at the hands of a knife-wielding assailant, or maybe I'll simply die in my sleep one night, my last breath being a peaceful one. But if this happened, there is no time at all to look at your life, and ask yourself whether you've done well. One does not expect to die at all, and hardly ever is one prepared to die.

So are you prepared??? Can you look at where you are now, and what you have done and achieved, and say, "Yes! I have done good! I have fulfilled my purpose! I am content."

I know many a person who would not be content if they were to die tonight. They would go to their sleep with sin and sorrow and emptiness in their heart.

So just take a moment, think about your situation and where you're at, and just ask yourself, "am I ready." Because you never, never know what's gonna happen next.


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